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Type 2 diabetes - Diabetes and - Tablets - Symptoms of type 2

What exactly IS type 2 diabetes? Could I become a type 2 diabetic? Is diabetes type 2 different from type 1 diabetes, and why?

Diabetes type 2. This condition is different from type 1 diabetes and accounts for around 85% & 95% of the population of diabetics and could be avoided by many people with simple diet and exercise regime.  It is most prevalent in people over 40 years of age in the white population and over 25 years of age in the black and South Asian population. 

Type 2 diabetics either do not produce enough insulin or the insulin does not work as it should (insulin resistance) possibly due to being overweight, as fat can hinder the process, although type 2 can be found in people without a weight problem.

Carbs are broken down into glucose and goes into the bloodstream as with type 1 but there is also insulin present as well.  However, some of the insulin fails to get into the cells as they are furred up with fatty deposits and the glucose stays in the bloodstream and raises blood glucose levels as with type 1.

The difference is that in type 2, the pancreas releases more insulin so it continues to rise as does the glucose level.  By now, the cells are desperate for energy and they get the liver to release emergency stores of glucose. The glucose and insulin production continue to rise until the insulin production eventually gives up.

To summarize

The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are:
  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Thrush or genital itching
  • Blurred vision
  • Tiredness
  • Weight loss
  • Slow healing
Although much more slowly than type 1 and people often do not realise that they have Type 2 diabetes and this can take up to 10 years before they are actually diagnosed with it.

Type 2 can initially be treated with a simple change of diet and increased exercise to lose any excess weight, however, type 2 is progressive and some form of medication (tablets and/or insulin) is often needed as time goes by.

Type 2 is increasing at an alarming rate in younger people, as we over eat in today’s fast food culture


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