Seperti orang lain saya juga mempunyai IMPIAN untuk bebas dari kekangan kewangan dan masa. Sejauh manakah kita telah berjaya mencapai IMPIAN kita? Adakah kini kita telah bebas, atau masih menjadi ‘pekerja’? Adakah anda merasakan anda kini HEBAT atau ada kekecewaan di jiwa anda? Jika kecewa anda mesti berubah dan mencari kehebatan diri anda. Jika anda masih mencari-cari wadah untuk berjuang mencari KEHEBATAN anda, saya sarankan anda berhenti mencari kerana di VeMMA anda akan dibekalkan dengan produk hebat yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah syarikat yang begitu mantap dan berpengalaman. Pelan busines terbaik telah menghasilkan ramai jutawan di USA, malah di Malaysia kejayaan Nursalehin, Siti fadzilah dan Razrul menjadi tiga jutawan terawal ASIA. Apa yang diperlukan adalah keyakinan diri serta kekuatan ‘WHY’ serta IMPIAN untuk melakukan perubahan. Sudah hampir 20 tahun saya berkecimpung dalam dunia Minyak dan Gas tetapi saya masih mencari-cari kebebasan untuk mengatur masa dan kewangan saya. Dengan hanya tinggal kurang dari 7 tahun sebelum saya mencecah umur 50 tahun, saya berjanji yang saya perlu berubah kerana jika saya gagal melakukannya maka saya mungkin gagal memberikan yang terbaik untuk 10 ahli keluarga saya. Saya yakin kini hanya VeMMA yang dapat mengubah kehidupan saya. Saya tidak berkata yang semuanya akan menjadi mudah dengan VeMMA kerana saya juga pasti bahawa untuk berjaya hanya dengan pengorbanan, azam dan komitmen yang kuat saja yang akan dapat melebarkan peluang kejayaan saya di VeMMA. Di sini saya menyarankan agar saudara2-saudari2 pengunjung blog ini juga akan dapat melihat dan merasai apa yang saya maksudkan ini dan bertekad untuk sama-sama berjaya di VeMMA. Kejayaan tidak akan manis jika bersendirian.

12 Keys to Success - Key No.3: Be Prepared to Work Hard for Success

You must always be prepared to strive, anytime! This is what you need if you want to be successful. Did you know that every morning, in Africa, a deer must always be prepared to run! Why? Because if the deer is not prepared or run slower, it will become a lion’s breakfast. Did you know that every morning when a lion wakes up, it must be prepared to run? Why? Because if it is not prepared or run slower than the deer, it is not going to has any breakfast.
Keys to Success - Be Prepare to Strive for Success
 So this is what is happening in the real world. You must always be prepared. If you’re not, you either ends up don’t have any breakfast and died of hunger, or become the breakfast of the lions. It may sound cruel, but this is the real world. Always be prepared to strive!

The more you struggle for life the more successful you will be. You know, right now, if you are in your 30s, it is great news because time is your most valuable asset. You can afford to fall (fail) and get up again, why? Because you are still young. You can fall for 29 times and still manage to wake up for the 30th time. When you are at the age of 25, and if you still don’t want to strive for success, then when are you going to pursue for your success? At the age of 55? Therefore, don’t wait, always pursue and strive for the better for your future.
In our life, we have only one season. During spring, it is the moment when we are still young; we are at the age of 20s. It is the best if we get ready and prepare for our future. Then summer will come. This is a very hot season, you will be in the age of around 30, and you must work harder and put in more effort. This is the best time for you to strive for your future and success.
Once you miss this opportunity, autumn will arrive; you will be in your 40s. You will start feeling cold and lazy to move. If you miss out all these 3 seasons, you will eventually come to winter. It is very cold in winter and you are at the age of 50s. Do you think that you will still want to strive for success at this age? Honestly, I don’t think so. Hence, you must always be prepared to strive whenever you can. Don’t wait because time waits for no one!
You must be hard working, just like an ant. I believe that you’ve heard or seen the cartoon about the ant and the grasshopper. The ants are very hardworking, during spring time; they keep on searching and collecting their food. As for the grasshopper, it is very lazy, laughing at the ants, saying that it is spring and they should enjoy it. Why work when the times they can enjoy?
Then the time passed by, winter has arrived. It is cold, but the ants are having lots of fun enjoying the food they have harvested before. As for the grasshopper, since it has never looked for any food, it is starving of hunger. And died in the end. Thus now you can see, why we need to strive even at the time we can enjoy ourselves.
Well I’m not saying that you must be working to make your dreams come true 24 hours a day. What I mean here is that, no matter what you do, you must do it with 100 percent commitmentand serious in it. Even if you are enjoying, ENJOY IT SERIOUSLY. It is the commitment and seriousness that counts.
We strive because we want to have a better future, we want to succeed. Many people wait. They wait for the economy to turn brighter; they wait for opportunity to come to them. Let me tells you, when the economy is down, don’t blame anyone, just be prepared for it. And when the economy turns up, it will be the time for you to harvest your rewards.
In fact, the best time to strive is when the economy is down. This is because when the economy turns well, you will be the leader of your market. Just take all the challenges as a test given from god. God is testing how strong and solid your business is.
Most of us will just follow the crowd. We do what others are doing, that is why we are just followers and not leaders. If you want to be special, and successful, then do what others are not doing. Too many of us are not aware of the importance of being successful. We did what others told us to do or follow what others are doing. Just like we go to school to get good grades, because our parents told us to, and because everyone is doing so.
We never really realize the real reason why we go to the school. Then after graduation, we will just find a job, and stick to it everyday from 9 to 5. Again, it is because everyone is doing so, that is why we are doing it. We never really think about what we want in the future, what kind of results that we want to create.
If you want to be successful today, you will have to think for yourself, not for others! You must know what exactly you like and where your interest is. I have a friend, and he told me that to work from 9 to 5 is something inevitable, he said that “This is life, a boring life, and there is nothing I can do to change it”. Can you see that? That is why I told you if you want to create amazing results in your life, you have to be different.
Think for yourself, plan for yourself, it is your future, not mine.
The moment you are not planning for yourselves, you will fall into other people’s plan; you will become the stepping stones in other people’s route to success. Strive for success while you can, and that is what makes life so wonderful.
So there you have it, the Key to Success, Always Be Prepared to Strive for Success. Keep this key into your pocket and don’t lose it. Use it to open the door which leads to your success.


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