Seperti orang lain saya juga mempunyai IMPIAN untuk bebas dari kekangan kewangan dan masa. Sejauh manakah kita telah berjaya mencapai IMPIAN kita? Adakah kini kita telah bebas, atau masih menjadi ‘pekerja’? Adakah anda merasakan anda kini HEBAT atau ada kekecewaan di jiwa anda? Jika kecewa anda mesti berubah dan mencari kehebatan diri anda. Jika anda masih mencari-cari wadah untuk berjuang mencari KEHEBATAN anda, saya sarankan anda berhenti mencari kerana di VeMMA anda akan dibekalkan dengan produk hebat yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah syarikat yang begitu mantap dan berpengalaman. Pelan busines terbaik telah menghasilkan ramai jutawan di USA, malah di Malaysia kejayaan Nursalehin, Siti fadzilah dan Razrul menjadi tiga jutawan terawal ASIA. Apa yang diperlukan adalah keyakinan diri serta kekuatan ‘WHY’ serta IMPIAN untuk melakukan perubahan. Sudah hampir 20 tahun saya berkecimpung dalam dunia Minyak dan Gas tetapi saya masih mencari-cari kebebasan untuk mengatur masa dan kewangan saya. Dengan hanya tinggal kurang dari 7 tahun sebelum saya mencecah umur 50 tahun, saya berjanji yang saya perlu berubah kerana jika saya gagal melakukannya maka saya mungkin gagal memberikan yang terbaik untuk 10 ahli keluarga saya. Saya yakin kini hanya VeMMA yang dapat mengubah kehidupan saya. Saya tidak berkata yang semuanya akan menjadi mudah dengan VeMMA kerana saya juga pasti bahawa untuk berjaya hanya dengan pengorbanan, azam dan komitmen yang kuat saja yang akan dapat melebarkan peluang kejayaan saya di VeMMA. Di sini saya menyarankan agar saudara2-saudari2 pengunjung blog ini juga akan dapat melihat dan merasai apa yang saya maksudkan ini dan bertekad untuk sama-sama berjaya di VeMMA. Kejayaan tidak akan manis jika bersendirian.

Mereka yang Memulakan Langkah Pertama Vemma di Malaysia

Mereka yang Memulakan Langkah Pertama Vemma Malaysia

Pioneer Leader 001 VeMMA Asia - vleaders
Berbekalkan keyakinan terhadap perkembangan Vemma di United States, mereka memulakan langkah pertama yang berani dengan memulakan network Vemma di Malaysia. Keberanian mereka mendapat perhatian Mr Kenneth Koh yang tidak berhenti-henti memberi sokongan moral dan teknikal. Bukan senang memulakan bisnes 'internet' dengan pengetahuan dan prasarana internet yang terhad, tapi itu tidak sedikit pun melunturkan semangat Vemma yang ada dalam diri mereka untuk terus melangkah tanpa perlu menoleh kebelakang. Dedikasi dan keyakinan terhadap produk akhirnya berjaya menyakinan ramai networkers-networkers baru dan lama untuk menceburi struktur bisnes Vemma. Langkah pertama meraka pada 2008 telah berkembang pesat sehingga melahirkan Jutawan pertama dan kedua di Malaysia pada 2011. SYABAS dan TAHNIAH kepada Fariz Norman, Norsalehin Ismail, Razrul Anwar dan Hazrul Daud, semuga langkah mereka akan menjadi pedoman dan teladan kepada semua networkers-networkers lain di Vemma Malaysia.


Salam semua ahli-ahli Ultimate Venture,

Pada hari Sabtu, 4hb Februari, 2012 (8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang) bertempat PKNS BizzPoint, Seksyen 7 Shah Alam, UV Leaders akan menganjurkan satu majlis pertemuaan antara kesemua UV Leaders dan ahli UV Group. UV Leaders kini diperingkat akhir menyiapkan kesemua persediaan-persediaan bagi menjayakan majlis tersebut. Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini kerana pertemuan ini akan menjadi hala tuju penting Group Ultimate Venture dalam menempuh tahun 2012.

Sila hubungi upline-upline anda bagi mendapatkan tiket-tiket penyertaan ke  majlis tersebut. Anda juga boleh 'post'kan niat penyertaan anda di dalam Ultimate Venture Group di FB. Pertemuan ini penting bagi memberi peluang kepada anda semua untuk bertemu dengan leader-leader di UV dan memilih diantara mereka sebagai mentor tambahan kepada upline anda dan pertemuan ini menjadi lebih penting jika anda kini sudah kehilangan upline anda atas apa jua sebab sekali pun.

Kesemua leader dan ahli Ultimate Venture Elite Club (UVEC) telah berikrar dan salah satu elemen dari ikrar tersebut adalah 'tiada siapa yang akan ditinggalkan!'. Ikrar ini menjadi nadi kepada komitmen kesemua leader terhadap kesemua ahli UV Group. Justeru itu kesemua leader-leader di UV Group amat berharap agar ahli-ahli UV Group juga komited untuk tidak akan ditinggalkan. 

Kejayaan ahli-ahli UV Group menjadi nadi kejayaan keseluruhan UV Group. 

Salam pertemuan kepada kesemua ahli-ahli UV Group. 


"Jangan kita peduli kepada KEGAGALAN, kerana dihadapan kita hanya ada KEJAYAAN"

Sayed A Sani

Upline Ku Kini Platinum Leader!

Hari ini Jumaat, 27hb Januari 2012 maka dengan rasminya Upline saya, Madam June kini bergelar Platinum Leader. Kejayaan beliau ditabalkan menjadi Diamond Leader pada bulan Disember 2011 masih lagi terasa panasnya. Berkat ketekunan beliau serta kepercayaan yang mendalam dengan pelan kejayaan Vemma akhirnya beliau berjaya mencapai Platinum setelah hanya missed beberapa cycle pada bulan Disember lepas.

Platinum Leader Junaidah Meor Hassan

Untuk makluman, Madam June ditabalkan sebagai Gold Leader pada 1hb Oktober 2011 bersamaan dengan tarikh saya meletakkan harapan saya di Vemma. Ini bermakna dalam masa empat bulan beliau merasai tiga ranking di Vemma. Satu kejayaan yang amat membanggakan terutama oleh saya sendiri sebagai 'anak' beliau di Vemma. Pertemuan yang tidak disengajakan di internet akhirnya menyatukan kami yang pada asasnya dalam rangkaian talian kekeluargaan yang sama.

Seorang yang tidak pernah lokek dengan ilmu dan begitu komited dalam satu-satu kerja yang dilakukan. Bermula di Vemma dengan begitu perlahan dan terpaksa melalui detik-detik pembelajaran secara sendirian setelah mentor beliau meninggalkan Vemma. 'Ibu' beliau, Madam Rin banyak membantu kejayaan beliau.

Semuga kejayaan ini akan sedikit sebanyak memberi dan menjadi perangsang kepada anak, cucu, cucit dan seterusnya di rangkaian beliau.


Kenaikan Rank UV Elite Team Members

Minggu-mingu terakhir 2011 telah menjanjikan kenaikan rank yang hebat bagi ramai UV Elite Team Members. Leaders-leaders di rangkaian Jutawan Siti Fazilah ini terus bertenaga mengorak langkah dalam mencari kejayaan demi kejayaan bersama di Vemma. Kesungguhan ini terbukti bila ramai diantara mereka mencapai rank baru dengan aura Diamond Health Pack yang baru diperkenalkan pada awal Disember 2011. Kesungguhan mereka sedikit sebanyak membantu Puan Siti Fazilah menjadi salah seorang 'Top Earner' pada minggu-minggu yang sama. Berada di kedudukan 28 keseluruhan 50 'Top Eaner' diseluruh dunia mengambarkan betapa Vemma begitu berkembang pesat di Malaysia dan Asia.

Ini seharusnya menjadi faktor yang kuat kepada mereka-mereka yang diluar sana untuk bersama-sama Vemma dalam mengejar dan mencapai IMPIAN mereka. Hanya dengan modal serendah RM6156 dan pulangan modal hampir 50% pada bulan yang pertama kesemua ahli berpeluang mencapai IMPIAN masing-masing tanpa menunggu begitu lama. Dengan kesulitan prasarana, bantuan teknikal dan rintangan baru bermula Nursalehin, Puan Siti Fazilah serta Razrul berjaya mengambil hanya 3-4 tahun untuk mencapai IMPIAN mereka di Vemma! Bagaimana dengan kita yang mempunyai segala bantuan serta prasarana hebat hari ini? Bermula 2010 kini setiap tahun seorang member Vemma mencapai rank Presidential dan anda mungkin seorang dari mereka dengan pelan 7 bulan Presidential UV Elite Team.

Di atas adalah di antara leader-leader UV Elite Team yang sendang mengorak langkah kearah rank Presidential. Ayuh terus maju dan jangan biarkan Nursalehin, Siti Fazilah dan Razrul bersendirian di tahta Presidential!

Kami pasti kejayaan ke ranking Presidential bukan lagi kejerihan 3 hingga 4 tahun!!! Leader-leader pertengahan sudah pasti mencecah rank Presidential hanya dalam masa 2 tahun dan yang paling terbaik anda yang mungkin menjadi ahli hari ini berupaya menjadi Presidential hanya dalam masa 7 bulan dari tarikh anda mendaftar sebagai ahli! Semua bergantung kepada betapa KUAT IMPIAN anda!

Sayed Sani

The 3 Easy And Simple Tips To Keep You Motivated

1. Read motivational and self-help books, or listen to positive audio or video clips. 

This is the most easy step to do and accomplish. It is self-explanatory and I do not have to discuss much about it here. Whenever you read a story about how a normal person who has gone through all the difficult times, but still able to make it through and create success in his life, you will feel motivated because you imagine that you are doing the same and achieving the same results.

This is why reading books, listening to audio or watching motivational clips can drive us. Those inspiring stories and words are actually describing us and make us feel like we are in their position.
So make sure you spend some time into reading these great materials everyday. You can spend 30 minutes or more to read books if you want to. After a few years, you will see the changes that this habit can bring you.
2. Take your time and talk to someone who shares the same dreams like yours and someone who is more successful than you
It is not to say that you cannot talk to those who are not as successful as you, but you have to understand that most extraordinary people who have done it, they will radiate positive energy and they are able to guide you with their own experience most of the time.
You just have to make sure you talk about things that are related to your dreams that you want to achieve. If you are going to meet up to talk about gossip, your time can be better spend somewhere else. You can try this out as simple as inviting these people to have a drink. Take a tea break and share with them your dreams and ask them to share their success stories with you.
Some people do not like to read, and if you are this type of people, this second tip will work great for you. It is about finding what works for you and make good use of it. It can be as easy as discussing or talking about how you can improve your sales with your colleagues or your sales team. You can also share your dreams with your close friends that you think will support and give you energy. However, make sure you do not share with those who will look down on your dreams and pull you down. You can choose to talk other topics with them, but not your dreams.
This second tip is very easy to implement. Most people are using it everyday, whether they are using it to inspire and motivate themselves to achieve what they want is another story. This technique is a double edged sword. So use it wisely and you will get energy from someone who is on the same boat.
3. Just do it. 
Yes, just do it mechanically without putting in any thought into your mind. Do not think about it and just do it like a robot. Once you get it started, you will feel the momentum coming and you will have the drive to continue to do it.
This is a very effective strategy and is guarantee working as long as you work on it. It is difficult to make cold calls, but if you can do it mechanically without thinking about it, after a few calls, you will feel that the energy comes to you and you will have the motivation to keep on calling. The same goes for every other action. You just have to initiate it and you will see the momentum bring out the energy.
These are the 3 simple tactics that you can try out anytime and at anywhere you want. You just have to try them and you will see how powerful they are.

Mantra of Success

positive thinking to success

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 12: Success Requires No Secret

Well, if you’re following me from the beginning up until now, you’ve gone through all the 11 keys to success. This is the final key, Success Require No Secrets. If you’ve gone through all the 11 keys with me, you will know that you already have all the resources (keys) to succeed. To achieve what you want, it requires no secrets, but hard work and determination.
Keys to Success - Success Require No Secrets
To be successful, you have to love what you do. If you want to make money from investment, then you will have to love to invest. The power of love is much bigger than you can ever expect. Only when you love to do your work, you can do it better. If you hate to succeed, do you think that you can achieve it? That will be impossible. For example, when you love someone, you are willing to do whatever it takes to be together with him or her. This is the same in pursuing your goals to success.
After you’ve read all these keys to success, you have a choice to make decisions. You can choose whether to work harder towards your goals, or you can choose to remain the same. The choice is in your hand. No matter what choices you made, you will still make a choice. What I mean here is even if you choose not to make any decision; you’re still making a choice. Therefore, in our lives, we always have a choice. This is because we can control our thinking.
The significance about controlling our thinking is that we can make things change. Mindset is the most valuable asset that everyone can have. It is not why some people are far richer than you just because they have much more money. It is because the mindset they have is different from yours.Mindset determines everything in our lives, the things we do, our behavior, our thinking, everything. Therefore you need to know how to take charge of your mind.
Success require no secrets, it is all about mindset. Everyone can buy the same wealth book that teaches you how to be rich, but not everyone can be rich after reading that book.
Why? Because the mindset is different. You can have a book that teaches you from beginning until the end on how to become a Millionaire; however if you give up in the half way, everything will be wasted. Thus it is the mindset that is more important, often, “why” is more crucial than “how”. If you know “why” you want to success, then no matter “how” hard it will be, nothing can ever stop you.
The moment you know why you want to succeed, you will somehow come up with some plan and strategies to achieve it. Like the famous saying, “when there is a will, there is a way”. Hence, if you want to be successful, just focus on creating a will.
Now, what do you feel after reading all these so-called keys to success? They are not any big secrets; all of the keys here are nothing but your mindset and your beliefs. It is you that is going to determine your success, not any secrets that you never heard before. I believe that you have heard about all the keys here, just that you never really notice about how important they are in your life.
What I wanted to tell you here is that success lies within your hands. It is how you treat success that matters. If you are serious, you are willing to put in a lot of effort and determination, nothing can ever stop you. Success will eventually be yours. However, if you keep on procrastinating, not taking any actions, and you are not serious about it, then I don’t think that you can achieve amazing results in your life.
Life is short; you must appreciate what lies in front of you. You can treat success as a game; life is a game after all. However, you must know how to play the game of life, don’t break the rules. If there is one thing I can tell you now, I will tell you to be serious and committed in everything you do.
I’m not saying that you should work and pursue success 24 hours. What I mean here is that you should do everything with 100 percent commitment and be serious in it. Even if you are enjoying, enjoy it seriously. Often, it is because of our bad habit of not doing things seriously that make us fail to achieve what we want. Therefore, learn from now on, to be serious in everything you do, even when you are playing games, play it seriously.

Tips Untuk PM - Maklumat dan Strategi Membina Rangkaian (Network)

Kepada semua PM terutama kepada mereka-mereka yang baru, dalam keghairahan kita membina rangkaian (network) di Vemma sila kenali dan pastikan beberapa maklumat-maklumat asas yang penting seperti dibawah;

  • Simpan rekod pendaftaran anda (Username dan Password). Jangan sekali-kali lupa rekod ini, sebaik-baiknya tulis data ini ditempat selamat.
  • Update rekod akaun bank anda di Vemma Asia webpage. Ini penting kerana apa-apa pembayaran akan dilakukan melalui akaun ini.
  • Kenali Upline anda. Sebaik-baiknya kenali Bonda dan Nenda anda. Jika keduanya telah dalam keadaan sudah 'meninggal' maka kenali Bonda dan Nenda mereka. Jika anda dalam rangkaian UV Team Group maka secara minima kenalilah samada Madam Hasmi, Cik Rasyihah, Madam Fazira, Madam Roslina atau Madam Azreen.
  • Berdaftar sebagai FB user jika anda belum lagi menjadi FB user dan bilamana sudah menjadi FB user pastikan sekurang-kurangnya, anda 'add friend' upline anda. Saya sarankan anda 'add friend' Bonda dan Nenda anda serta beberapa mentor yang anda percayai. Tidak perlu 'add friend' kesemua Vemma members, ini kerana anda boleh berhubung dengan mereka melaui group khas yang leader anda bina di FB. Sebagai contoh gunakan Group UV Team di FB jika anda adalah dalam rangkaian ini. Be smart di sini.
  • Pastikan 'Add friend' kesemua PM yang anda enrolled! Ini penting bagi memastikan anda dapat berhubung dengan baik dengan semua mereka. Ini kerana sebarang maklumat penting mungkin hanya ditujukan kepada anda dan anda bertanggungjawab untuk menyalurkan maklumat tersebut ke downline anda. 
  • Kenalipasti program-program rangkaian anda. Jika anda punya Group FB pastikan anda menjadi member Group tersebut. Meskipun anda mungkin super networker, tapi tanpa mengenali rakan-rakan networker yang lain di Group anda, anda mungkin ketinggalan dari sebarang maklumat-maklumat terkini. Ini amatlah penting untuk PM-PM baru sebagai tempat mendapat maklumat baru serta 'recharge' semangat yang ada melalui aura rakan dan leader-leader dalam rangkaian anda. Dari situ anda tidak akan terasa disisihkan atau ditinggalkan.
  • Biasakan diri anda dengan akaun anda. Pastikan anda masuk dan lihat satu persatu infomasi didalam akaun anda tersebut. Fahami kesemua maklumat tersebut. Pastikan anda letakkan gambar anda yang hensem atau cun di laman tersebut kerana downline dan PE anda ingin diyakini oleh anda yang hebat di situ. Ini perlu berlaku pada hari pertama anda join!!!

Setelah maklumat-maklumat asas di atas anda perolehi dan fahami kita juga perlu faham beberapa maklumat dalam membina rangkaian seperti dibawah;

Saya faham, bilasaja kita berjaya mendaftar lantaran aura keyakinan untuk bermula begitu membuak-buak kita sering lupa terhadap beberapa perkara asas dalam membina rangkaian seperti;
  • Kenali Asas Binary System Vemma. Tahu kedudukan anda dan tahu kedudukan rangkaian anda. Di Vemma anda hanya punya 2 rangkaian ('Leg'), Satu di Kanan dan Satu di Kiri.
  • Kenali 'Power Leg' anda. Ianya mungkin kaki kiri atau kaki kanan. Untuk mengenali mana satu 'Power Leg' anda, anda boleh gunakan formula 'y' terbalik atau mirror image 'y' terbalik. Pada 'y' terbalik atau mirror image 'y' terbalik tadi tandakan Upline anda pada hujung atas 'y' terbalik tersebut, anda pada titik temu kaki 'y' tersebut dan downline anda pada hujung bawah 'y' tersebut. Pastikan Upline, Anda dan Downline anda adalah dalam satu garisan. Kemudian pergi ke akaun anda, tengok Genealogy anda menggunakan diagram (bukan list type). Jika Upline anda adalah PM lama maka dia pastinya sudah ada downline selain dari anda. Lihat kedudukan downline tersebut (biasanya dengan warna hitam dan anda tidak boleh click diatas nama tersebut) selari dengan kedudukan anda atas satu line yang sama antara Upline  dan downline maka itu adalah 'Power leg' anda. Gunakan mirror image 'y' terbalik jika kedudukan diatas tidak berlaku. Dengan definasi lain 'Power Leg' adalah satu kaki rangkaian dimana Upline anda meletakkan sebahagian dari rangkaian beliau dibawah anda atau dikenali sebagai 'Spill Over' di Vemma. 
  • Kenali 'Profit Leg' anda. Jika menggunakan formula 'y' terbalik atau mirror image 'y' terbalik, 'Profit Leg' adalah kaki pendek 'y' terbalik yang tidak selari dengan upline anda. Kaki ini akan sentiasa kosong jika anda tidak melakukan enrolment anda sendiri. Anda bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya untuk membina rangkaian ini. Rangkaian ini seringkali menjadi penentu kepada kejayaan satu-satu leader. Kita seringkali mendengar kenapa sesetengah leader gagal untuk naik ranking walaupun sudah lama memjadi PM. Diantara penyebabnya adalah kelemahan 'Profit Leg'.
  • Strategy Membina Rangkaian. Strategi ini sangatlah penting setelah anda mengenali kaki-kaki anda di atas. Bilamana bermula pastikan, pastikan, pastikan anda membina 'Power Leg' anda terlebih dahulu. Dengan ertikata lain hidupkan 'Power leg' anda terlebih dahulu. Jadi ahli yang pertama mestilah anda letakkan di kaki ini. Jika ketika anda mendapat PM baru anda sudah mempunyai 'Power Leg' yang sudah bersaiz kaki gajah maka anda perlu berhati-hati. Jika PM baru anda adalah Diamond Pek, maka anda seharusnya lebih pintar disini kerana secara logik anda akan mengemukkan lagi kaki gajah anda jika anda meletakkan beliau di 'Power Leg' anda. Untuk itu saya sarankan anda meletakkan PM baru anda di 'Profit Leg' tetapi pada masa yang sama dapatkan satu PM baru dengan 'single pack' dan letakkan di 'Power Leg' anda. PM 'single pack' ini boleh jadi orang terdekat dengan anda jika terlalu sukar mendapatkan satu lagi PM baru. Kesemua ini tidak perlu jika anda boleh enrol 2 PM baru sebelum hari Jummat. Jangan sekali-kali meletakkan mana-mana PM baru di 'Profit Leg' tanpa menghidupkan 'Power Leg', ini kerana anda mungkin berdepan dengan risiko kehilangan kesemua CV di 'Profit Leg' bila 'flushing' berlaku pada hari Jummat setiap minggu. Kadang-kadang bila melihat 'Power Leg' yang besar, kita terpengaruh untuk meletakkan PM baru di 'Profit Leg' kerana menyangka ianya akan memberi kelebihan untuk pembayaran cycle bonus. Ingat!!! Cycle Bonus Payment tidak akan dikira jika salah satu kaki masih tiada sekurang-kurangnya satu enrolment sendiri.
  • Strategi Mengawal Pendaftaran Automatik. Setelah anda mengenalpasti 'Power Leg', 'Profit Leg' dan Saiz Power Leg anda sudah tentu mula menunjukkan minat untuk memburu rank di Vemma. Saiz kaki gajah 'Power Leg' anda sudah pasti boleh membantu bilamana anda sudah mempunyai PM yang anda enrol sendiri di 'Power' dan 'Profit Leg' anda. Bila 'Power Leg' anda sudah terlalu besar dan anda mahu pastikan 'Profit Leg' anda turut membina saiznya. Selain menggunakan pendaftaran langsung manual ke 'Profit Leg' di anda boleh juga memasukkan 'auto registration' di dan Vemmabuilder. Jika di, pergi ke 'My Account' dan pastikan anda setkan 'Placement Strategy' mengikut kehendak anda. Setkan 'Profit Leg' jika 'Power Leg' sudah besar. Cara yang sama boleh dilakukan di Vemmabuilder. 'Placement Strategy' ini hendaklah sentiasa di pantau supaya sentiasa bersesuaian dengan saiz 'Power' dan 'Profit' Leg anda. Jangan sesekali tinggalkan setting ini begitu sahaja kerana jika anda sentiasa enrol Diamond Pack PM maka akan berlaku CV anda berat sebelah dan anda kehilangan peluang untuk mendapatkan pembayaran Cycle Bonus. 
  • Rank Advancement Strategy. Bersesuaian dengan saiz 'Profit' dan 'Power Leg' anda pastikan bila anda enrol bersesuain dengan peluang rank advancement. Rank advancement berlaku setiap bulan. Jadi berlandaskan saiz 'legs' anda, anda perlu berhati-hati melakukan enrolment di setiap minggu bagi memastikan anda mendapat Cycle yang maksima dari enrolment tersebut. Pengiraan 180/360 atau 360/180 kadang-kadang boleh mengubah Cycle anda, jadi sentiasa berbincang dengan Upline anda atau 'Technical Expert' dari office bagi memastikan anda dapat Cycle yang maksima. Contohnya; Enrol 8 Diamond pack dalam seminggu atau enrol 2 di setiap minggu boleh memberikan kesan Cycle yang berbeza lantaran teknik pengiraan di atas jika 'Power Leg' mempunyai jumlah yang hampir sama dengan 8 x 1080. 4 dan 6 cycles boleh memberi keputusan rank dan pulangan yang berbeza jadi kawal strategi.
Sekian untuk kali ini, jika terdapat sebarang kesilapan atau mahukan lebih penerangan anda boleh berikan komen dan kita sama-sama betulkan.


Sayed A. Sani

How to Tell Your Business Story in 60 Seconds or Less by Carmine Gallo

How to Tell Your Business Story in 60 Seconds or Less

How to Tell Your Business Story in 60 Seconds or LessI recently spoke at LeWeb, a large technology conference in Paris that's filled with entrepreneurs pitching to venture capital investors who are looking for the next big thing. In such situations where many people are vying for attention, the entrepreneurs who stand out are the ones who deliver their pitch in less than a minute, but still make their points quite persuasively.
Unfortunately, many small-business owners don't think enough about their company's story and how it comes across. I can say that with confidence because I've witnessed many ineffective pitches at conferences and chamber of commerce mixers. At the last chamber mixer I attended, I asked one person what he did. His response started with, "That's a good question…" Five minutes later, he was still trying to describe his new company, and I was trying to find a polite way out of the conversation.
As a communications coach, I've developed a four-step exercise that will work for any company or product. You must simply answer each of the following four questions in no more than two sentences:
1. What do you do?
2. What problem do you solve?
3. How is your product or service different?
4. Why should I care?
By keeping each answer brief, you will develop a succinct story that should take no more than 60 seconds.
Let's use the example of an entrepreneur who is starting a housekeeping franchise. Based on those four questions, the company's story might sound something like this:
"We own Five Star Cleaning, an eco-friendly housekeeping service that pampers you and your home [what your business does]. 
Typical cleaning services make you prep your home ahead of time, supervise to prevent theft and hang around for hours while the cleaners do their work. Because we require no prep, this saves time right off the top, and we are bonded so our service is worry-free, allowing you to go about your day [what problem does it solve]. 
And, we always send a minimum team of three to get the job done quickly [how it's different]. 
Imagine coming home from a long day and your laundry is all done, your bed has been turned down and there are fresh flowers awaiting you. That's the extra pampering we offer that sets us apart from all the rest [why you should care].
Your first sentence should be a "Twitter-friendly headline." You should be able to describe your product or service in 140 characters or less, short enough for a tweet. In the example, Five Star Cleaning bills itself as an "eco-friendly housekeeping service that pampers you and your home." But many small-business owners don't create product descriptions that are short, catchy, distinctive and memorable. The Twitter exercise will help. If you can't describe your product in a sentence, go back to the drawing board.
If you can tell your story in well under 60 seconds and have some extra time, be ready to relate an example or story that makes your product or service more tangible. You'll notice that in the cleaning service pitch, we offered examples of pampering, such as turning down bed sheets.
Don't let your idea die because you've lost the attention of your audience. Grab your listeners in the first 60 seconds and they'll want to hear more.

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Carmine Gallo is a communications coach, a popular keynote speaker and author of several books including The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs and The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. His latest isThe Power of Foursquare (McGraw-Hill, 2011).

The Top 10 Business Plan Mistakes by Tim Berry

The Top 10 Business Plan Mistakes

The Top 10 Business Plan Mistakes
It’s been nearly seven years since I posted Top 10 Business Plan Mistakes on this site. Looking back and reading the post again today, I think the list holds up very well. Still, I can’t resist making a few changes. So here is my revised version for 2012, incorporating what I wrote back then that still holds true.

1. Misunderstanding the purpose: It’s the planning that matters, not just the document. You engage in planning your business because planning becomes management. Planning is a process of setting goals and establishing specific measures of progress, then tracking your progress and following up with course corrections. The plan itself is just the first step; it is reviewed and revised often. Don’t even print it unless you absolutely have to. Leave it on a digital network instead.
2. Doing it in one big push; do it in pieces and steps. The plan is a set of connected modules, like blocks. Start anywhere and get going. Do the part that interests you most, or the part that provides the most immediate benefit. That might be strategy, concepts, target markets, business offerings, projections, mantra, vision, whatever. . . just get going.

3. Finishing your plan. If your plan is done, then your business is done. That most recent version is just a snapshot of what the plan was then. It should always be alive and changing to reflect changing assumptions.

4. Hiding your plan from your team. It’s a management tool. Use common sense about what you share with everybody on your team, keeping some information, such as individual salaries, confidential. But do share the goals and measurements, using the planning to build team spirit and peer collaboration. That doesn’t mean sharing the plan with outsiders, except when you have to, such as when you’re seeking capital.

5. Confusing cash with profits. There's a huge difference between the two. Waiting for customers to pay can cripple your financial situation without affecting your profits. Loading your inventory absorbs money without changing profits. Profits are an accounting concept; cash is money in the bank. You don't pay your bills with profits.

6. Diluting your priorities. A plan that stresses three or four priorities is a plan with focus and power. People can understand three or four main points. A plan that lists 20 priorities doesn't really have any.

7. Overvaluing the business idea. What gives an idea value isn’t the idea itself but the business that's built on it. It takes employees showing up every morning, phone calls being answered, products being built, ordered and shipped, services being rendered, and customers paying their bills to make an idea a business. Either write a business plan that shows you building a business around that great idea, or forget it. An idea alone does not a great business make.

8. Fudging the details in the first 12 months. By details, I mean your financials, milestones, responsibilities and deadlines. Cash flow is most important, but you also need lots of details when it comes to assigning tasks to people, setting dates, and specifying what's supposed to happen and who's supposed to make it happen. These details really matter. A business plan is wasted without them.

9. Sweating the details for the later years. This is about planning, not accounting. As important as monthly details are in the beginning, they become a waste of time later on. How can you project monthly cash flow three years from now when your sales forecast is so uncertain? Sure, you can plan in five, 10 or even 20-year horizons in the major conceptual text, but you can't plan in monthly detail past the first year. Nobody expects it, and nobody believes it.

10. Making absurd forecasts. Nobody believes absurdly high “hockey stick” sales projections. And forecasting unusually high profitability usually means you don’t have a realistic understanding of expenses.

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Tim Berry: Business Plans
Tim Berry is the president of Palo Alto Software Inc., based in Eugene, Ore., which produces business planning software. He is also the author of 3 Weeks to Startup and The Plan-As-You-Go Business Plan, published by Entrepreneur Press. Follow him on Twitter: @Timberry