Seperti orang lain saya juga mempunyai IMPIAN untuk bebas dari kekangan kewangan dan masa. Sejauh manakah kita telah berjaya mencapai IMPIAN kita? Adakah kini kita telah bebas, atau masih menjadi ‘pekerja’? Adakah anda merasakan anda kini HEBAT atau ada kekecewaan di jiwa anda? Jika kecewa anda mesti berubah dan mencari kehebatan diri anda. Jika anda masih mencari-cari wadah untuk berjuang mencari KEHEBATAN anda, saya sarankan anda berhenti mencari kerana di VeMMA anda akan dibekalkan dengan produk hebat yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah syarikat yang begitu mantap dan berpengalaman. Pelan busines terbaik telah menghasilkan ramai jutawan di USA, malah di Malaysia kejayaan Nursalehin, Siti fadzilah dan Razrul menjadi tiga jutawan terawal ASIA. Apa yang diperlukan adalah keyakinan diri serta kekuatan ‘WHY’ serta IMPIAN untuk melakukan perubahan. Sudah hampir 20 tahun saya berkecimpung dalam dunia Minyak dan Gas tetapi saya masih mencari-cari kebebasan untuk mengatur masa dan kewangan saya. Dengan hanya tinggal kurang dari 7 tahun sebelum saya mencecah umur 50 tahun, saya berjanji yang saya perlu berubah kerana jika saya gagal melakukannya maka saya mungkin gagal memberikan yang terbaik untuk 10 ahli keluarga saya. Saya yakin kini hanya VeMMA yang dapat mengubah kehidupan saya. Saya tidak berkata yang semuanya akan menjadi mudah dengan VeMMA kerana saya juga pasti bahawa untuk berjaya hanya dengan pengorbanan, azam dan komitmen yang kuat saja yang akan dapat melebarkan peluang kejayaan saya di VeMMA. Di sini saya menyarankan agar saudara2-saudari2 pengunjung blog ini juga akan dapat melihat dan merasai apa yang saya maksudkan ini dan bertekad untuk sama-sama berjaya di VeMMA. Kejayaan tidak akan manis jika bersendirian.

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 7: Always Concentrate In Your Work

You must be 100 percent concentrated in your business and your work. Focus in your goals until you achieve it. This is a key that you will need if you desire for success. For you, your business is the most important thing in your life. You don’t need to care what had happened to other businesses out there. It is your own business that is making you richer, not others. So always focus in your work.
Keys to Success - Always Concetrate in Your Work
You will feel the flow of energy if you concentrate in your company and in your products. Have you ever gone to any seminar before? And if you have, I’m sure the organizer will ask you to switch off your hand phone. Why? This is because they want you to 100 percent concentrate in the seminar. Only with 100% of work you will achieve great results.
Let me gives you a few more examples of concentrating in your work and your company. Have you ever seen any babies crying? When babies are hungry, they will cry. And they cry with 100 percent of their energy! Sometimes they even cry until their whole face turns red and without any voice coming out. So you see, we were born in such a way that we do things with 100 percent concentration. However, during the time we grow up, we’ve been influenced by the surrounding, we start to loosen ourselves. All the negative effects have been instill in our mind and influences our behaviors.
Another thing that often makes a lot of people unable to achieve success in their life is that they try to success. There is no try to success in this world. Success never comes automatically; you will need to pay for it with your time and effort. If you want to try for something, then don’t do it. If you decide to do it, then don’t try, go for 100 percent, go all out! Only then you will achieve greater results. You know what, if you go all out and even if you fail to achieve your goals, you will still feel delighted because it is not your fault or mistake, because you’ve went all out. But of course, if you go 100 percent all out, you will definitely achieve your goals and success in the end.
So now you know that how important of putting 100% concentration and effort are. Always, do your work with 100 percent effort; don’t worry that you will fail. If you put on 100% effort, I’m sure that success will eventually be yours.
Just like if you are in network marketing, you have to stay focused in just one company. However, a lot of people do not follow this rule, they joined company A today, and found that company B is much better, so then joined company B the next day. A few days later, they found that company C has a better marketing plan, and they hop into company C. If you are doing this, it will be impossible for you to achieve what you want in your life. You are diverging your energy; instead, you should stay focused and put 100 percent of your energy in just one company.
Having 100 percent focuses in what you do is very important, as it will concentrate your work and leads you to better results. The more focuses you are, the better the results you can achieve.
This is exactly the same in real life. When I tell you about Donald Trump, the first thing that comes into your mind is that he is a real-estate billionaire. And the moment I talk about Tiger Woods, you will straight away think of the Prince of Golf. What makes you think like this? This is because they are the pros in their field. Take the example of Tiger Woods, he is the pro in golf because he focuses 100 percent in golfing and that is what makes him the pro. Try and challenge Tiger Woods with basketball, I bet that he will lose.
So you see, if you want to be successful, you will need to focus in something, preferably in something that you like and have interested in. The more you focus, the better you can be in that particular field. Look at Michael Jordan; he is great in basketball because he trains almost every single day. And that is why he can be successful in basketball. What I want to say here is that, if you want to be successful, then you have to put in 100 percent focuses in what you do.
Keep this key with you, always. It is very useful for you when you are down and frustrated. The time when you lost yourself, feeling that you will fail to reach your goals, just focus and concentrate back on your dreams, and you will feel energetic once again.


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