Seperti orang lain saya juga mempunyai IMPIAN untuk bebas dari kekangan kewangan dan masa. Sejauh manakah kita telah berjaya mencapai IMPIAN kita? Adakah kini kita telah bebas, atau masih menjadi ‘pekerja’? Adakah anda merasakan anda kini HEBAT atau ada kekecewaan di jiwa anda? Jika kecewa anda mesti berubah dan mencari kehebatan diri anda. Jika anda masih mencari-cari wadah untuk berjuang mencari KEHEBATAN anda, saya sarankan anda berhenti mencari kerana di VeMMA anda akan dibekalkan dengan produk hebat yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah syarikat yang begitu mantap dan berpengalaman. Pelan busines terbaik telah menghasilkan ramai jutawan di USA, malah di Malaysia kejayaan Nursalehin, Siti fadzilah dan Razrul menjadi tiga jutawan terawal ASIA. Apa yang diperlukan adalah keyakinan diri serta kekuatan ‘WHY’ serta IMPIAN untuk melakukan perubahan. Sudah hampir 20 tahun saya berkecimpung dalam dunia Minyak dan Gas tetapi saya masih mencari-cari kebebasan untuk mengatur masa dan kewangan saya. Dengan hanya tinggal kurang dari 7 tahun sebelum saya mencecah umur 50 tahun, saya berjanji yang saya perlu berubah kerana jika saya gagal melakukannya maka saya mungkin gagal memberikan yang terbaik untuk 10 ahli keluarga saya. Saya yakin kini hanya VeMMA yang dapat mengubah kehidupan saya. Saya tidak berkata yang semuanya akan menjadi mudah dengan VeMMA kerana saya juga pasti bahawa untuk berjaya hanya dengan pengorbanan, azam dan komitmen yang kuat saja yang akan dapat melebarkan peluang kejayaan saya di VeMMA. Di sini saya menyarankan agar saudara2-saudari2 pengunjung blog ini juga akan dapat melihat dan merasai apa yang saya maksudkan ini dan bertekad untuk sama-sama berjaya di VeMMA. Kejayaan tidak akan manis jika bersendirian.

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 9: I Am Talented!

Now, this is another key you will require if you want to be successful. You need to believe that you are talented! You must have the confident to overcome every obstacle that you face in your journey to success. Scientists claim that we human only use approximately 10-15% of our brain in our life. And the rest, we never used it.
Keys to Success - I Am Talented
Albert Einstein, one of the most famous scientists of our time is so talented, that after he died, other scientists break up his head and check on his brain. And what do you think that they’ve found? They’ve found that his brain is bigger than normal people? No, this is not true. His brain is exactly the same as yours and mine.
So what makes him so clever and such a genius? It is because Albert Einstein used up 20% of his brain, his IQ. So you see, he only uses 20% of his brain and yet he became the most famous scientist, nobody understands the theory he explained, he is a genius. Therefore now you can see, we humans are very talented. We already have the resources that we need to succeed.
Look at yourself. From your head until your toes. You are a miracle. God already created the most amazing creature in this world, which will be us, humans. Why did I say so? Human is the most perfect creation in this world. We can walk, run, swim; we can communicate with each other. We are perfect. So far scientist still cannot create a computer which is as powerful as your brain. Even if scientist can create such a computer, but I tell you, it will not be as small as your brain.
Hence you must make use of your brain to the fullest. In fact, you already have all the internal resources you need in order to be successful. We basically have the same internal resources, what I mean here is, the same bio-computer. But then why there are some people who are so talented, they can sing so well, why are there people who can solve mathematical equations so well?
To discover the answer, you need to understand how your brain works. Your brain which consists of more than 1,000 billion neurons, each capable of processing information at a speed greater than a P4 personal computer.
Your talents, our skills all are determined by your brain, which will be how your neurons are connecting. So, if someone who is very talented in mathematics, it is because he has a richer neuro-connection in the area of mathematical-logical thinking. Your neuro-system will develop once you were born, and after that you will get influenced by role model around you. You can be very talented in singing, but you may have less talent in calculus.
The best investment is to invest in yourself, in your brain, your mindset. If you invest in yourself, you are not going to make ten percent of return like in mutual funds, or even twenty percent of return like in stock. You are looking at a thousand percent returns from the investment of your brain.
All the knowledge and skills that you acquired with your brain will stay forever with you. There was once a person asked Henry Ford this question before, “What if I take away all of your money and assets?” And did you know what did Henry Ford answered? He said that, “Well give me 3 years, and I will be back at current wealth position”.
Can you see that wealth is just some kind of financial knowledge? Once you acquire them, they will be with you forever. Just like Henry Ford, if you take all his money, he still can create another wealth empire. Money is just the product of your hard work; it is nothing but the score to keep you going.
You already have all the resources that you need to succeed. Success is all about mindset and beliefs. If you think that you can do it, then you can. And if you think that it is impossible or hard, then it will be exactly just like what you think. Our mind plays an important role in shaping the man that we can be. Success require no secret, all you need are just hard work and determination.
Having said all that, you must believe in yourself that you are talented in everything you do. You must first have the confident then only the route to success will be easier. Keep this key with you, always have confident with yourself.


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