Seperti orang lain saya juga mempunyai IMPIAN untuk bebas dari kekangan kewangan dan masa. Sejauh manakah kita telah berjaya mencapai IMPIAN kita? Adakah kini kita telah bebas, atau masih menjadi ‘pekerja’? Adakah anda merasakan anda kini HEBAT atau ada kekecewaan di jiwa anda? Jika kecewa anda mesti berubah dan mencari kehebatan diri anda. Jika anda masih mencari-cari wadah untuk berjuang mencari KEHEBATAN anda, saya sarankan anda berhenti mencari kerana di VeMMA anda akan dibekalkan dengan produk hebat yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah syarikat yang begitu mantap dan berpengalaman. Pelan busines terbaik telah menghasilkan ramai jutawan di USA, malah di Malaysia kejayaan Nursalehin, Siti fadzilah dan Razrul menjadi tiga jutawan terawal ASIA. Apa yang diperlukan adalah keyakinan diri serta kekuatan ‘WHY’ serta IMPIAN untuk melakukan perubahan. Sudah hampir 20 tahun saya berkecimpung dalam dunia Minyak dan Gas tetapi saya masih mencari-cari kebebasan untuk mengatur masa dan kewangan saya. Dengan hanya tinggal kurang dari 7 tahun sebelum saya mencecah umur 50 tahun, saya berjanji yang saya perlu berubah kerana jika saya gagal melakukannya maka saya mungkin gagal memberikan yang terbaik untuk 10 ahli keluarga saya. Saya yakin kini hanya VeMMA yang dapat mengubah kehidupan saya. Saya tidak berkata yang semuanya akan menjadi mudah dengan VeMMA kerana saya juga pasti bahawa untuk berjaya hanya dengan pengorbanan, azam dan komitmen yang kuat saja yang akan dapat melebarkan peluang kejayaan saya di VeMMA. Di sini saya menyarankan agar saudara2-saudari2 pengunjung blog ini juga akan dapat melihat dan merasai apa yang saya maksudkan ini dan bertekad untuk sama-sama berjaya di VeMMA. Kejayaan tidak akan manis jika bersendirian.

Percuma 'International Player Seminar' Digital DVD dari Patric Chan

Salam semua pengunjung dan teman-teman blog SemetaHealth,

Tahun 2011 hampir berakhir dan tahun 2012 bakal menjelang. Kita sering dilontarkan dengan persoalan 'Apakah azam kita di tahun baru?', 'Apa yang tejadi kepada azam kita pada tahun lalu', 'Tercapaikah matlamat kita tahun lepas', 'Apakah pembaharuan terhadap keperluan kita dalam mencapai matlamat tahun depan'....serta berpuluh persoalan lagi.

Bagi memulakan langkah 2012 dengan langkah positif, perlulah kita menatap serba sedikit motivasi diri kearah perjalanan positif kita. Dapatkan secara percuma 'International Player Seminar' Digital DVD by Patric Chan.

Patric is a Malaysian boy but go international in Internet Marketing. Dia berkongsi pengalaman beliau 'Kenapa perlu pergi International' di dalam DVD di atas. Ayuh dapatkan DVD tersebut dengan percuma. Promosi percuma ini adalah terhad sehingga tarikh 9hb Januari 2012. Klik link , isi borang penyertaan dan download DVD tersebut setelah mendapat makluman melalui e-mail dari Patric.

Semuga 2012 akan lebih bermakna.

Sayed Sani

Dream BIG!

When you dream, dream BIG!

The Power of Dream

This is where everything starts, so find your dream and make it a big one!

What I Am and What I Will Be...

Dream big to transform...

Steve Jobs - Two Important Things One Must Have

See what Steve Jobs has to say about the two quality characteristics one must posses to achieve success. Exactly the same what needed to make Vemma a success;

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 9: I Am Talented!

Now, this is another key you will require if you want to be successful. You need to believe that you are talented! You must have the confident to overcome every obstacle that you face in your journey to success. Scientists claim that we human only use approximately 10-15% of our brain in our life. And the rest, we never used it.
Keys to Success - I Am Talented
Albert Einstein, one of the most famous scientists of our time is so talented, that after he died, other scientists break up his head and check on his brain. And what do you think that they’ve found? They’ve found that his brain is bigger than normal people? No, this is not true. His brain is exactly the same as yours and mine.
So what makes him so clever and such a genius? It is because Albert Einstein used up 20% of his brain, his IQ. So you see, he only uses 20% of his brain and yet he became the most famous scientist, nobody understands the theory he explained, he is a genius. Therefore now you can see, we humans are very talented. We already have the resources that we need to succeed.
Look at yourself. From your head until your toes. You are a miracle. God already created the most amazing creature in this world, which will be us, humans. Why did I say so? Human is the most perfect creation in this world. We can walk, run, swim; we can communicate with each other. We are perfect. So far scientist still cannot create a computer which is as powerful as your brain. Even if scientist can create such a computer, but I tell you, it will not be as small as your brain.
Hence you must make use of your brain to the fullest. In fact, you already have all the internal resources you need in order to be successful. We basically have the same internal resources, what I mean here is, the same bio-computer. But then why there are some people who are so talented, they can sing so well, why are there people who can solve mathematical equations so well?
To discover the answer, you need to understand how your brain works. Your brain which consists of more than 1,000 billion neurons, each capable of processing information at a speed greater than a P4 personal computer.
Your talents, our skills all are determined by your brain, which will be how your neurons are connecting. So, if someone who is very talented in mathematics, it is because he has a richer neuro-connection in the area of mathematical-logical thinking. Your neuro-system will develop once you were born, and after that you will get influenced by role model around you. You can be very talented in singing, but you may have less talent in calculus.
The best investment is to invest in yourself, in your brain, your mindset. If you invest in yourself, you are not going to make ten percent of return like in mutual funds, or even twenty percent of return like in stock. You are looking at a thousand percent returns from the investment of your brain.
All the knowledge and skills that you acquired with your brain will stay forever with you. There was once a person asked Henry Ford this question before, “What if I take away all of your money and assets?” And did you know what did Henry Ford answered? He said that, “Well give me 3 years, and I will be back at current wealth position”.
Can you see that wealth is just some kind of financial knowledge? Once you acquire them, they will be with you forever. Just like Henry Ford, if you take all his money, he still can create another wealth empire. Money is just the product of your hard work; it is nothing but the score to keep you going.
You already have all the resources that you need to succeed. Success is all about mindset and beliefs. If you think that you can do it, then you can. And if you think that it is impossible or hard, then it will be exactly just like what you think. Our mind plays an important role in shaping the man that we can be. Success require no secret, all you need are just hard work and determination.
Having said all that, you must believe in yourself that you are talented in everything you do. You must first have the confident then only the route to success will be easier. Keep this key with you, always have confident with yourself.

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 8: You Must Have A Clear Goal

Another important key that you will need if you want to succeed in your life. You must have a clear goal in your life. If you've read until now, maybe you will think that this key is more important than other keys. But like I said, the order of which key comes first is not important. All these 12 Keys to Success are equally important; you will need them if you want to succeed in your life.
Keys to Success - You Must Have a Clear Goal
I know that many of you already knew about this key, you always heard successful people saying that you must a goal; you must set your goal, etc. Yes, indeed, without a goal, you cannot achieve anything. Now, if you’re reading this article, means that you’ve the interest to succeed in your life. The main reason you are here reading this article and read until this point is because you have the thought of wanting to be successful in your life. Therefore you see, everything happens for a reason, if you don’t have the thought or the goal, you will not do all these things, you won’t be reading this article by now. Only if you have a clear goal, your goals will lead you and tell you what to do.
Well, the goals you set must be clear. Let me gives you some examples here, of what a clear goal means. A clear goal is something that you can achieve, the more tangible, the better. If you have a goal like this “I want to be rich in two years”, it is not clear enough. Because you never state that how much is it that you want to make. For some people, rich means having $1 million, and for some people, having $10k is considered rich. So you must set clear goals for yourself, the clearer the goal you have, the easier it can be achieved.
When we are small, our goals are crystal clear. Try to ask a child, what he wanted to be after he had grown up. Straight away, he will tell you “I want to be a doctor”; “I want to be an engineer”. But after we grew up, our goals became very blur. If you don’t believe this, you can try to ask your friend. And you will get something like “Well, it depends”, “I want to be successful”, “I want to live a happy life”. These are all the blurry goals you may get. The time we grew up, we’ve been exposing to the negative environment that changes our mindset.
Have you ever heard someone said that he wanted to go for vacation? But he ended up going nowhere. Why? Because his goal is not clear enough. If you said that you wanted to go for a vacation, you must know where is it that you wanted to go. If you wanted to go to Malaysia, did you know that Malaysia is big and where do you want to set foot? Your goal should be like this, “I wanted to go to Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia, I’m ready to spend RM5,000 for this trip, I will stay there for 7 days and 6 night, etc”.
This is a clear goal. Even if you say that you want to buy a BMW, you must specific the model, the colour and other features. Only then it can be considered a clear goal, and can be achievable.
Did you know why successful people set clear goals? It is because they know that clear goals will lead them to the strategies that they use to achieve the things that they want. What I mean here is that, the goals you set are going to determine what kind of strategies you will use to achieve your goals.
If you set your goal as to make RM10,000 a year in internet marketing, then the strategies that you can use are like you can get involve in affiliate marketing, online auctions etc. But if you set your goal as to make RM10 million in a year, is this possible? Yes, this is possible! The strategies that you are going to use are completely different from making RM10,000 a year. What you can be doing is that you can create a loyalty system and sell licensing, and you can also apply for IPO and list your company in the market. This will increase your capital and you can make RM10 million in a year.
The process here is not the point; I know that these are not as easy as it sounds. The point I want to stress here is that the goals you set are going to determine what kind of strategies you are going to use. Hence, it is the goals that you set are going to determine how you should live your life.
This is what you should be doing as well, you should always write down your goals and plans. If you don’t write them down, they will remain as dreams. You must write down your goals often and write them in somewhere that you can always see. This will remind you that you still have goals to pursue, thus, they will focus and drive you into action.
Hence, you know the importance of having clear goals now. Keep this key together with you. When you are down, frustrated, take out this key again, and remind yourself about your goal. It will give you a lot of energy in your journey to succeed; you will need this key a lot.

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 7: Always Concentrate In Your Work

You must be 100 percent concentrated in your business and your work. Focus in your goals until you achieve it. This is a key that you will need if you desire for success. For you, your business is the most important thing in your life. You don’t need to care what had happened to other businesses out there. It is your own business that is making you richer, not others. So always focus in your work.
Keys to Success - Always Concetrate in Your Work
You will feel the flow of energy if you concentrate in your company and in your products. Have you ever gone to any seminar before? And if you have, I’m sure the organizer will ask you to switch off your hand phone. Why? This is because they want you to 100 percent concentrate in the seminar. Only with 100% of work you will achieve great results.
Let me gives you a few more examples of concentrating in your work and your company. Have you ever seen any babies crying? When babies are hungry, they will cry. And they cry with 100 percent of their energy! Sometimes they even cry until their whole face turns red and without any voice coming out. So you see, we were born in such a way that we do things with 100 percent concentration. However, during the time we grow up, we’ve been influenced by the surrounding, we start to loosen ourselves. All the negative effects have been instill in our mind and influences our behaviors.
Another thing that often makes a lot of people unable to achieve success in their life is that they try to success. There is no try to success in this world. Success never comes automatically; you will need to pay for it with your time and effort. If you want to try for something, then don’t do it. If you decide to do it, then don’t try, go for 100 percent, go all out! Only then you will achieve greater results. You know what, if you go all out and even if you fail to achieve your goals, you will still feel delighted because it is not your fault or mistake, because you’ve went all out. But of course, if you go 100 percent all out, you will definitely achieve your goals and success in the end.
So now you know that how important of putting 100% concentration and effort are. Always, do your work with 100 percent effort; don’t worry that you will fail. If you put on 100% effort, I’m sure that success will eventually be yours.
Just like if you are in network marketing, you have to stay focused in just one company. However, a lot of people do not follow this rule, they joined company A today, and found that company B is much better, so then joined company B the next day. A few days later, they found that company C has a better marketing plan, and they hop into company C. If you are doing this, it will be impossible for you to achieve what you want in your life. You are diverging your energy; instead, you should stay focused and put 100 percent of your energy in just one company.
Having 100 percent focuses in what you do is very important, as it will concentrate your work and leads you to better results. The more focuses you are, the better the results you can achieve.
This is exactly the same in real life. When I tell you about Donald Trump, the first thing that comes into your mind is that he is a real-estate billionaire. And the moment I talk about Tiger Woods, you will straight away think of the Prince of Golf. What makes you think like this? This is because they are the pros in their field. Take the example of Tiger Woods, he is the pro in golf because he focuses 100 percent in golfing and that is what makes him the pro. Try and challenge Tiger Woods with basketball, I bet that he will lose.
So you see, if you want to be successful, you will need to focus in something, preferably in something that you like and have interested in. The more you focus, the better you can be in that particular field. Look at Michael Jordan; he is great in basketball because he trains almost every single day. And that is why he can be successful in basketball. What I want to say here is that, if you want to be successful, then you have to put in 100 percent focuses in what you do.
Keep this key with you, always. It is very useful for you when you are down and frustrated. The time when you lost yourself, feeling that you will fail to reach your goals, just focus and concentrate back on your dreams, and you will feel energetic once again.

UV Elite Team - JB Business Preview di Pusat Tuisyen Pasti Jaya, Taman Daya Johor Bharu

Akhirnya pada jam 6.00 petang tadi (24 Disember 2011), majlis business preview yang diwar-warkan selama lebih seminggu yang lalu telah terlaksana jua dengan jayanya. Setibanya di Taman Daya, Johor Bharu, kami semua telah disambut dengan hujan lebat seawal jam 9.00 pagi. Menambah lagi kegusaran bilamana sehingga jam 2.00 petang tiada tanda-tanda kehadiran prospek atau PM ke majlis. Panggilan demi panggilan dibuat untuk memastikan kesemua prospek dan PM hadir ke pertemuan ini. Cerita sesat, hujan, jem menjadi bualan sementara menanti mereka. Pada jam 2.15 petang mula muncul kelibat-kelibat prospek dan PM dan proses ini berlarutan sehingga jam 3.00 petang. Pada jam 3.00 petang seramai 22 prospek dan PM telah hadir. Majlis preview dimulakan pada jam 3.15 petang. Pada jam 3.30 petang kehadiran bertambah menjadi 24 orang. Termasuk leader 28 orang berada dalam sesi preview sehingga jam 5.00 petang. Sesi bergambar penutup hanya disertai oleh 22.

Pada jam 5.15 sehingga 6.00 petang seramai 4 orang untuk sesi personnal coaching.

Terimakasih tak terhingga Cikgu Emie kerana komitmen yang diberikan dalam menyediakan tempat dan alatan bantuan dalam menjayakan majlis preview ini.

Kehadiran Platinum Leader Azreen, Diamond Leader Roslila, Diamond Leader Junaidah dan Diamond Leader Muslimah banyak membantu dalam menjayakan preview ini. 

Beberapa prospek PM dan prospek upgrade ke Diamond Pack telah berjaya dikenalpasti di majlis preview ini.

Berikut adalah beberapa gambar kenangan di majlis preview tersebut;

Photo Majlis Penutup

Platinum Azreen menyampaikan Peluang Menjadi Presidential dalam 7 bulan

En Nadiah membeli Premix semasa preview

Platinum Azreen dibantu oleh Platinum Roslila, Diamond Junaidah dan Diamond Muslimah

Sesi Personal Coaching selepas Majlis Preview

Map ke Pusat Tuisyen Pasti Jaya, Taman Daya Johor

Kepada mereka-mereka yang akan memeriahkan lagi pertemuan kita pada 24 Disember 2011, sila berpandukan map di bawah untuk ke tempat pertemuan (Pusat Tuisyen Pasti Jaya, No 9A, Jalan Sagu 33, Taman Daya, Johor).

View Larger Map

Pembunuh Kejayaan!

Di dalam diri setiap orang, pasti akan ada keinginan untuk berjaya seperti orang lain dan kita seringkali samada secara sedar atau tidak mencemburi kejayaan mereka. Rasa cemburu itu seringkali menyebabkan kita sering bertanya dalam diri bagaimana mereka melakukannya. Kenapa mereka boleh berjaya dan kita masih tidak berganjak dari kedudukan kita sekarang. Lebih menyakitkan jika mereka yang berjaya itu tidak sepintar mana pun malah ramai di antara mereka tidak mempunyai kelulusan yang tinggi. Rasa tercabar terus meluap-luap di dalam diri namum keegoan kita cuba sedaya upaya mengenepikan keinginan untuk bertanya dengan mereka. Kita angkuh! Itu adalah pembunuh kejayaan yang PERTAMA!

Pembunuh kejayaan KEDUA yang sering bertindak secara senyap-senyap tanpa kita sedari adalah ZON SELESA! Ramai di antara kita tidak sedar kita diselubungi zon selesa ini. Lantaran terlalu asyik dan nyenyak berada di zon ini kita jarang atau tidak langsung menoleh atau memberi perhatian kepada mana-mana peluang yang terpanpang di hadapan kita. Kita mengambil remeh kesemua peluang tersebut. Kita sering mendengar ungkapan-ungkapan berikut; 

"Kau buat dulu, nanti dah berjaya atau menjadi aku ikut"

"Aku dah financially okey le ni, malas la nak jumpa-jumpa orang macam tu"

"Keje aku le nie enough untuk tanggung keluarga aku"

"Aku bukan sales person type of guy/gal, aku x pandai cari orang"

"Maafla bro/kak, suami I x bagi I keje macam nie"...

Malah beribu lagi alasan yang akan dan mungkin kita akan dengar, malah ramai di antara kita dan mungkin kita sendiri sekadar memberi isyarat tangan yang memberi maksud "TAK NAK"! Kenapa kita begitu? Tidak ada lain hanya kerana kita berada dalam zon selamat!

Kita mungkin bertindak sebaiknya jika kita tidak berada di dalam zon ini.

Pembunuh seterusnya adalah ketakutan untuk bermula lantaran cerita kegagalan orang lain! Kita seorang yang berhati-hati dan sering membuat analisa untuk setiap langkah yang bakal kita ambil. Suatu sikap yang bagus namum boleh berkesudahan dengan tidak melakukan apa-apa disebabkan kita begitu fobia untuk mengambil sebarang tindakan baru. Memburukkan lagi keadaan jika kita sering mengambil tindakan negatif kerana melihat kegagalan orang lain lantas terus menyamakan kegagalan mereka dengan bakal kegagalan kita. 

Kita tidak memberi ruang kepada MLM kerana cerita-cerita kegagalan di internet dan teman-teman walaupun kita sedar yang teman-teman kita tu kesemuanya langsung tidak memberi perhatian dengan apa yang mereka lakukan. Masa yang sepatutnya digunakan bersama team pembakar semangat sering digunakan untuk melepak dengan kita!

Kita takut dengan FOREX kerana cerita-cerita middle TRADER yang melarikan duit orang ramai.

Kita takut untuk berniaga kerana cerita-cerita rakan yang rugi dalam perniagaan mereka.

Lantaran dari perasaan takut GAGAL yang menebal menjadikan kita TIDAK MELAKUKAN APA-APA dan lebih buruk kita takut GAGAL lantaran kegagalan orang lain yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan kita.

Pembunuh yang mada ulung adalah diri kita sendiri. Percaya atau tidak kegagalan atau kejayaan kita adalah keputusan kita. Kita mungkin sering mendengar ungkapan "IF YOU SAY U CAN DO IT, THEN   YOU CAN AND IF YOU SAY YOU CANNOT DO IT, THEN YOU DON'T; EITHER WAY YOU ARE RIGHT". 

Kita ingin berfikiran negatif - hak kita
Kita ingin bersama mereka-mereka yang gagal - hak kita
Kita malas mengetahui cara orang lain berjaya - hak kita


Saya terkenang balasan seorang teman yang berbunyi "Kalau semua orang berjaya, habis nak jual apa?" sebagai balasan kepada ungkapan seorang leader yang menyatakan di Vemma tidak ada yang gagal cuma yang putus asa. Saya menahan diri dari memberi ulasan baru bilamana teringat faktor-faktor kegagalan yang saya nyatakan di atas. Adakah perlu kita terus memberi pandangan terhadap suatu pandangan negatif? Saya rasa lagi lama kita bergelumang dengan suasana negatif tidak lain hanya akan menyebabkan kita terjerumus di dalam kenegatifan tersebut jadi biarkan sahaja. 

Saya berharap saya dan teman-teman dapat belajar dari keempat-empat Pembunuh Kejayaan di atas dan cuba untuk menjauhkan diri dari perasaan tersebut dari menghantui kita. Setelah bersama Vemma saya merasakan kunjungan 'Sales Person' telah menjadi suatu peluang berbanding dengan dulu kita menganggap mereka sebagai pengacau atau penyebuk!

Salam Vemma untuk semua!
Sayed A Sani

Making Money in Vemma by Royal Ambassador Tom Alkazin

Understand how to make money in Vemma.

Lagu Tema Vemma Malaysia

Power of Listening and Asking Pronoun Questions

Listen to this video and ask yourself, have we apply this in every conversation with our Potential Prospect?

Brian Tracy's Goal Criterias

See yourself how Brian Tracy defines goal characteristics; Present Tense; Positive and Personal. Check this video out and learn how he defines the characteristics in setting our goals. Review our goals and check for its compliance and if our goals do not the said characteristics then it is time for us to reword our goals.

Bagaimana Bermula dengan Betul Setiap Hari...

Brian Tracy memberi sedikit tunjukajar bagaimana ingin bermula dengan betul setiap hari...

Millionaire Secret in Goal Setting

View this short video and implement the proposed idea in goal setting and implementation. We will be surprise with the outcome and how it will change our life forever in life, works as well as being a successful business networkers...

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 6: You Must Have A Plan

Well, right, to succeed, you must have a plan. Make sure that you come out with a plan after finished reading this. Only when you have a plan, you will know where you are heading, and what you should do to achieve them. It is useless if you have great dreams and great goals, but you don’t have a plan which will lead you there.
Keys to Success - You Must Have a Plan

What if you don’t have a plan? You will end up in other people’s plan. Yes, indeed, if you don’t have a plan, then you will end up becoming part of people’s plan. If you don’t have a plan, then it will be the same as you’ve arrived to a new city and don’t know where to head to. You will end up in nowhere. Having a plan is equally important as having a clear goal. A goal without a plan is just a dream.

Everything you do in your life must have a plan. Just like if you want to go to A from B, there are a lot of ways you can get there. You can take a plan, train, or by car. If you don’t have a plan, then maybe you will end up listening to your friend’s advice by taking a train to A. So you see, you will end up in other people’s plan. It is the same here if you want to make more money online. You can choose to make more money using eBay, affiliate marketing, or create your own products.
It is very dangerous if you don’t have a plan. Taking back making more money online as example, if you don’t have a plan, what will you do? Maybe you will try each method. And none of them will work for you. Why? Because you did not concentrate. First maybe you will try to sell something through eBay, and then you find that it was hard, and you change to affiliate marketing. After that you say that it is better to sell your own products since you are already doing selling through internet. Therefore you see, you’ve wasted lots of time and energy just because you don’t have a clear plan.
Look around your house, do you think that without proper planning, you will end up with a building that you can stay inside. Of course not, planning is crucial. The architects will need to decide every area and dimension of your house, and then engineers are going to design for your house which can stand all the loads. A great plan will lead you to great success. Although all the process may consume a lot of time. But slowly, day by day, you will move nearer towards your goals.
My lecturer once told me this before, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” Now, this is true, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Nothing in our life happens automatically, everything needs a plan. Every successful people know this, if they want to succeed, they will need to have a plan which leads them there. Don’t believe in me? Read this…
One classic example is investor Warren Buffet. Does his ability to come about by chance? Absolutely not. From a very early age young Buffett was obsessed with making money and had a very clear dream of becoming the world’s greatest investor. Born during the depression when his father was close to bankruptcy, Warren learnt about the value of money and the importance of being financially secure at an early age. Even before his teens, Warren knew that he wanted to be rich.
As early as elementary school and later on in high school, he would tell his classmates that he wanted to become a millionaire before the age of 35 (when he turned 35, his net worth exceeded $6 million). It was because of his goal that he constantly thought of ways to make money, while most other kids his age would be spending their parents’ money. He even memorized a book called ‘A Thousand Ways to Make $1,000′. At the age of six, he started buying coke bottles at 25-cents per six-pack and selling them at 5-cents a bottle, giving him a 16% gross profit, as he would tell himself.
At the age of 13, he got a job delivering newspapers and through innovative marketing and distribution strategies, he served five hundred customers a day. At the age of 11, he took all his savings and started investing in the stock market. His first investment was three shares in a company called ‘City Service’. While most kids at his age were reading comic books, Warren spent his time reading company annual reports.
By the age of 14, he started a pinball business and was earning $175 a week, as much as the average 25-year old was earning in 1944. Would he have taken all those actions if he never set a goal to be rich in the first place? Of course not. Obviously, it is because of his focus of energy and actions that allowed him to become the best in what he does.
Warren Buffet did not achieve all his wealth by luck; he achieved all his wealth by designing his own life. He knows exactly what he should do if he wants to be rich, he designs his life to success, and that is how he came up with a plan of making money through investing in stocks. If you study the life stories of successful people, they all have a very specific goal, they know exactly what they want to achieve in their life. They dare to dream and then let their dreams guide their actions until they achieve success.
Did you know what you should do now? If you don’t, you must plan your steps now. What are you going to do to achieve your goals? This is another great key you need to keep in your pocket and use it when necessary. Use it wisely to open the door to success.

12 Keys to Success - Key No. 5: Have a Burning Desire

Again, this is a very important key that is going to help you open the door to your success. Without this key, it is almost impossible for you to achieve success. In this world, who doesn't want to be rich, who doesn't want to be successful? Everyone wants success. If you meet a beggar, just ask him whether if he wants to be successful. I bet, he’ll say yes. But then he will always remain as a beggar, why? Because he doesn't have the burning desire to be successful!
Keys to Success - Have a Burning Desire
So what exactly does this burning desire mean? Burning desire is not the same as what you wish. Burning desire is not the same as what you want.Burning desire is something that it is a MUST for you. You cannot live without it. Just imagine, if you’re in a desert now, it’s so hot and you’re almost going to die because of thirsty. Suddenly you saw someone come by and he is holding a bottle of water. You straight away walk to him and ask for water. Now, what if that person doesn’t want to give you his water? You will kill him if he is not giving you the water. So this is the burning desire, it is a must for you.
Still not clear enough? Ok, let me give you another example. Assume that you don’t know how to swim. You go to a swimming pool and suddenly you fall into the pool. The pool is so deep and you will drown. The moment you are drowning, will you think like this? “Oh, I don’t know how to swim. If only I know to swim then I won’t be dead”. Honestly, what will you do? Struggle! Why? Because you want to live. It has become a burning desire for you to stay alive.
Many people want to be a Millionaire, but most of them won’t achieve it because it is not a must for them. If something is a must for you, you will do whatever it takes to get it. This is the burning desire that you need if you want to succeed in your life. Success never comes automatically; you will need to spend a lot of time and effort on it.
Here is a great story that I would like to share with you. Long ago, there is a King, and he wants to conquer an island. Therefore, the King orders a General to handle this mission. The King only gives the General 100 soldiers. And the enemy has got 1,000 soldiers guarding that island. So how is this general going to win this war? They are outnumbered.
What the General did was that he burned all the ships that carry his men to the island. Now, there is no way back, it is either kill or been killed. The General leaves his men no choice but to win the war. In the end, they did win the war. And the moral of the story? If you want something so badly, you will eventually achieve it. Hence, set your goals to become a must for you, a burning desire.
If your goals are not a must for you, the moment you face problems and feel frustrated, you will give up fast. However, if your goals are must for you, then you will do whatever it takes to achieve it. You will get up fast the time you feel frustrated. Thus you can see now how important a burning desire is.
Don’t worries if you don’t know how to make your goals come true, just set your goal. There is a saying, “When there is a will, there is a way”. So just set your goals and your burning desire will come up with some ways to achieve them. Many people give excuses like they say that they don’t know how to achieve what they want. Such as if their goal is to create an extra stream of income online, they will give excuses like they don’t know how to create a website. Is this true? Not really actually, if you have a strong burning desire, you will automatically look for ways on how to create a website.
So stop giving these kinds of lousy excuses anymore. You know that you can achieve anything if you want to, nothing is impossible for you. 50 years ago, stepping on the moon is a myth; even hand phone is also a myth. Nobody is going to believe that you can connect with people using a small device called hand phone 50 years ago. But look, hand phone has become so common now, almost everyone owns it. All thanks to those who have the burning desire to make all these come true.
It is the reason that you want something so badly that develops your burning desire. And it is your burning desire that drives you into taking action to make your dreams and goals come true in your life.
The conclusion, make your dreams and goals a MUST for you. If you do this, I can GUARANTEE that you can achieve them. Nothing is impossible.

12 Keys to Success - Key No.4: Be Responsible

This is a very great key. If you can take all the responsibility, then you won’t blame anyone. You must know that this is your life, and if you want to succeed, you will have to walk this road on your own. Don’t give any excuses and don’t blame anyone if you fail.
Keys to Success - Be Responsible
Have you ever heard of this word “if”? This is a very lousy excuse often given by many people. Let me gives you some example here. “If I have a car, then I can make more money”, “if only I have more time, then I will invest my money”. Frankly, did you ever hear all these excuses before? Are you using them often?
These words are so easy to use, but don’t use them, they will not bring you what you want. Take all the responsibility, only then you can move to a higher level. Now, you must learn to make good use of this power of responsibility in your life. How? Very simple, take all the responsibility and keep on improving yourself.
Allow me to give you an example here. Like me, I’m a student (the moment I wrote this), and if I failed my exam, I can choose to either blame the lecturer for not teaching me properly and there is nothing I can do. Or I can blame myself and take all the responsibility, so that I can study harder for the next exam. Therefore you see, if you take the responsibility, you will have the power to improve yourself, you have the power to control the situation.
The moment you blame the whole world, you won’t have the power to change. You will lose the chances of improving yourself. If your boss is not giving you a raise in salary, you can blame yourself for not performing well enough. What if after you’ve delivered your hard work, still your boss is not giving you a raise? You can still take the responsibility that you’re not showing your hard work to your boss.
You know, there is no use if you work so hard and nobody knows about it. You must show your hard work to your boss. Well, you may say you’ve worked hard and you’ve also shown it to your boss, but your boss still is not giving you a raise. Let me tells you what, take the responsibility, and leave. If you’ve created more value and your boss is not appreciating you, then you should leave. This is because the market outside will appreciate your value and pay you more.
So now you know how crucial this key can be. The moment you take all the responsibility, you are taking up the choice to improve. However, there is one more situation can happen when you OVER TAKE the responsibility. That is when you blame yourself too much until you stay in a depress state and not improving yourself. This is a very bad thing that can happen.
I mean you should blame yourself and take the responsibility, but it is not to the extent that you blame yourself until you feel depress and stay in a frustrated state. This will make the situation worse and you are not going to change. Therefore you must always control your emotion, make the positive decision, just like what you’ve learned in KEY #2 – Control Your Emotion.
Know this, “victim blames, victor learns”. You will adopt the mindset of a victim if you keep on giving lousy excuses like you don’t have the luck, you don’t have the time, and you don’t have the knowledge. The problem is, the moment you start giving excuses, you are giving away the power of controlling the situation.
For example, if you tell yourself that you don’t have the luck, you are giving away your power of controlling your life and wealth. Meaning that you don’t have the ability to take charge and change the situation, simply because you think that it is not your fault and not your responsibility. Hence, you will lose the power of controlling your life and your wealth.
The moment you give excuses like the economy has been down for the last 5 years, you are not going to learn from it. If you think it this way, you are not going to change. However, if you take 100 percent responsibility and adopt the victor’s mindset, you will take charge of your life. You will think differently like you if your business fails, you will think of it is because of you are not doing well enough, your sales and closing are not good enough.
Can you see it now? If you take the responsibility, you will have the ability and power to controlling what is happening in your surrounding. But if you give excuses and never take the responsibility, you are not going to change anything.
If you use this power of responsibility wisely, it can become a leveraging tool that will move you to a higher state of success. It will give you a flow of energy and you should put this energy in your life. Remember, it is your fault if you can’t achieve what you want. Just like what I said in the beginning, if people move much faster than you, not because they are faster, but it is because of you are moving slower than them. The moment you see someone is hard working, it is because you are lazy, not because they are hard working. Apply this concept, and take the responsibility.
Once you start to take the responsibility, you can see that your life start to change. You will start to learn and make things come true.