Seperti orang lain saya juga mempunyai IMPIAN untuk bebas dari kekangan kewangan dan masa. Sejauh manakah kita telah berjaya mencapai IMPIAN kita? Adakah kini kita telah bebas, atau masih menjadi ‘pekerja’? Adakah anda merasakan anda kini HEBAT atau ada kekecewaan di jiwa anda? Jika kecewa anda mesti berubah dan mencari kehebatan diri anda. Jika anda masih mencari-cari wadah untuk berjuang mencari KEHEBATAN anda, saya sarankan anda berhenti mencari kerana di VeMMA anda akan dibekalkan dengan produk hebat yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah syarikat yang begitu mantap dan berpengalaman. Pelan busines terbaik telah menghasilkan ramai jutawan di USA, malah di Malaysia kejayaan Nursalehin, Siti fadzilah dan Razrul menjadi tiga jutawan terawal ASIA. Apa yang diperlukan adalah keyakinan diri serta kekuatan ‘WHY’ serta IMPIAN untuk melakukan perubahan. Sudah hampir 20 tahun saya berkecimpung dalam dunia Minyak dan Gas tetapi saya masih mencari-cari kebebasan untuk mengatur masa dan kewangan saya. Dengan hanya tinggal kurang dari 7 tahun sebelum saya mencecah umur 50 tahun, saya berjanji yang saya perlu berubah kerana jika saya gagal melakukannya maka saya mungkin gagal memberikan yang terbaik untuk 10 ahli keluarga saya. Saya yakin kini hanya VeMMA yang dapat mengubah kehidupan saya. Saya tidak berkata yang semuanya akan menjadi mudah dengan VeMMA kerana saya juga pasti bahawa untuk berjaya hanya dengan pengorbanan, azam dan komitmen yang kuat saja yang akan dapat melebarkan peluang kejayaan saya di VeMMA. Di sini saya menyarankan agar saudara2-saudari2 pengunjung blog ini juga akan dapat melihat dan merasai apa yang saya maksudkan ini dan bertekad untuk sama-sama berjaya di VeMMA. Kejayaan tidak akan manis jika bersendirian.

How to Effectively Recruit in Network Marketing (NM) – Effective recruiting strategies

How to Effectively Recruit in Network Marketing (NM) – Effective recruiting strategies

or How not to Puke on anyone in NM. Catchy subtitle, huh?  But it’s true.  When most people first join a network marketing company and until they learn better, they run around and “Puke” on everyone.  What I mean by that is, that they are so exited they run around talking to anyone who will listen and try to recruit them into their home based business.  If a person has a pulse, they run up and start “Puking” out everything they know about the Company.  Sound familiar?

This is wrong, don’t do it.  All you’ll do is scare away everyone you talk too.  If you do this and they don’t run, you probably should…  :-)   Don’t worry, I did my fair share of “puking on people”, until I learned how to effectively recruit people into my internet marketing business.
Now that we know what not to do, let’s look at how you should recruit people into your NM business.  The first thing you have to do is be confident.  Learn as much as you can about the company so you can explain it to your prospects.  Learn how to handle the objections your prospects are sure to raise.  Don’t be afraid to talk to people about your business.  People can smell fear and avoid needy people as well.  Don’t be afraid and don’t be needy.  I guarantee you, you know more about your business than they do and with a little practice you’ll develop a smooth delivery.
Develop a sense of timing.  Beginners and those who struggle to recruit always talk about their business.  All they are concerned about is signing someone up, without considering the needs of their prospect.  They key to Effective Network Marketing Recruiting is to focus on the needs of the prospect.
In order to effectively recruit people into your NM business, you first have to get to know the prospect.   Take the time to talk to them.  Ask a series of questions.  Remember that the person who asks the questions controls the conversation.  If you lose control of the conversation, you’ve probably lost the prospect.
Many people fail because they fear rejection.  They fear being rejected by prospects more than they desire success.  Don’t fall into this trap.  Here’s a simple technique to help you overcome this.  The trick is to take the pressure off of recruiting and take rejection out of the equation.  Most people focus on selling and when a prospect doesn’t join, they feel rejected.  Instead of trying to sell someone on your business, just think of yourself as sharing the opportunity with the person.  If they don’t join after you’ve shared the opportunity with them, then they have passed up on a great opportunity.  Just think of recruiting as a process of collecting decisions.  Don’t worry about whether they say yes or no.  Your job is just to collect their decision.  Some will, some won’t.
Here is how you collect peoples decisions.  Remember to ask people questions.  Your looking to see if they have a NEED for your product or business opportunity.  As has been said many times “don’t try to force a sale, just see if there is a sale to be made”.  Ask questions about their dreams, goals and plans for the future.  Your looking to establish a whether this person has a CORE DESIRE or NEED which your opportunity can solve.
GENERAL RULE OF NM RECRUITING or (The Most Effective NM Recruiting Strategy):  “Never Puke on the Prospect.”  i.e. Never bring up your business opportunity until you have qualified them and determined that they have a need or desire that you business opportunity can address. Don’t force the issue, take your time and wait for the right opportunity.
By asking question you establish what it is that they are really looking for.  In order to effectively recruit people into your internet marketing business, you need to understand some basic psychological principles.  The psychological principles I’m talking about are how people react to Pleasure and Pain.
In order to consistently recruit people you have to ask them questions that:
  1. Inquire about their current situation;
  2. Qualify them to see if their is something that they want to change;
  3. Make them feel the pain they will feel if they don’t change;
  4. Get them to describe what they are looking for, or their CORE NEED;
  5. Make them feel the joy of what it would be like to achieve those goals.
Don’t worry, by doing this you are not using some kind of psychological trick or taking advantage of them.  You are merely using an effective technique that addresses  the Pleasure Pain Principle.  It deals with human nature.  According to Wikipedia “the Pleasure Pain Principle states that people seek pleasure and avoid pain.”  This theory has been around for thousands of years and was discussed by Aristotle and made famous by Sigmund Frued.  I’m sure your bored with the history lesson, so I’ll move on….  But it’s very important to know how people think, react and why they do so.  Your NM recruiting results will dramatically improve if you apply these techniques and keep basic human nature in mind.
Here are some more examples of effective NM recruiting strategies and questions you can ask after you have established a rapport with your prospect:
  1. What do they do for a living?
  2. How’s that going?
  3. Have they been effected by the current economy?
  4. If so, how?
  5. How does that make you feel?
  6. How do you like what your doing?
  7. Have you ever thought about doing something else?
  8. Are you open to hearing about a way to make additional money online?  Or do you already have all the money you need.  (If they answer yes, they have all the money they need, ask if they’ll lend you some….   Just Joking…)
  9. How much money would you need to make?
  10. How many hours a week will you commit to doing this?
  11. So, if I could show you a way to make $______ a month what wold that do for you?
  12. How would that make you feel?
  13. So, if I could show you a way you could make $_______ a month, would you be willing to take a look at an opportunity?
  14. You wouldn’t be offended, if I could show you a way to make more than that would you?
After you’ve Established that they have a core need and are willing to look at your opportunity, now you can talk about it…….  You can do this in a number of ways:  

  • By doing a one on one presentation; 
  • A 3 way call; 
  • Sending them to your website to get them to opt in and start receiving your auto-responder messages;  
  • Sending them to a webinar, or 
  • Signing them up, if they are ready.  
Whatever you do, make sure you have their contact information.  Remember many people won’t make a decision until they have seen the opportunity at least 7 times.
This Post is getting way too long. 
Remember, Practice makes perfect.  Your only collecting decisions.  Don’t go around “Puking on Your Prospects.”  Practice these strategies in order to more effectively recruit people into your Network Marketing Opportunity. Here’s to your NM Recruiting Success.
Be sure to tweet and share this with others if you like my tips.


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